Category: Mental Health

The End. – (10/05/24)

Tim was sitting alone in his room, cradling a gun. The room was small, and the lighting was dim with the black curtains pulled shut....

Lobotomy… F%^k you, lobotoyou

Madness. Is it the cerebral cortex of calamity, the whole cerebrum, or something more? I think about this as I watch the light reflect from...

Phobias… (15/06/23)

It is five o’clock in the morning, and I can feel it already. The first thought to cross my mind is this: Do I really...


“He often thought it deeply ironic that if a depressed person walked into his office and said the world was so grim that he could...


In many ways, I have confined myself to my prison: the four walls inside this house that I call home being the bars on my...

A Meandering Mash Of Madness.

**D**epression, ah, my dastardly nightmare. The distressing, dogmatic dumping of despair and anguish in my life. It is not just ”being sad”, and we can’t...

It is depression.

It is a dark shadow that stands atop some of us. Come rain or shine, light or dark, day or night, it is always there....

The Chill Of Nobody.

It starts in my fingers. I can feel numbness, just a slight tingling in the very tips. The cold clings to me like the bobbles...

Mental Health — This is my… PTSD

Note: this was written with someone else about their PTSD. I am going to tell you a story. This will not be your ordinary tale;...

Mental Health – M*A*S*H Theme.

The song was wrong, and suicide is never painless. I am going to write this with my human. Another collaboration, once more working together to...

Most of this site is filled with WIP content and has not been edited.

If the occasional typo or spelling error bothers you, then please walk away now,